In 1937, in the village of Heede in Germany, Our Lady began appearing to four girls named Anna Schulte, Greta and Maria Gansforth, and Susanna Bruns. The apparitions began on the 1st November 1937 and ended on the 3rd November 1940. The girls reported that Our Lady said to them:
“The world will have to drink the dregs of the chalice of divine wrath for their innumerable sins through which they have wounded the Sacred Heart of Jesus.” [Then She admonished them]: “Pray... pray much, especially for the conversion of sinners.”
Later, in 1945, Our Lord appeared to Greta with this message:
"Men did not listen to My Most Holy Mother when she appeared to them at Fatima and admonished them to do penance. Now I Myself am coming at the last hour to warn and admonish mankind! The times are very serious! Men should at last do penance, turn away from their sins and pray, pray much in order that the wrath of God may be mitigated! Particularly the Holy Rosary should be prayed very often! The Rosary is very powerful with God! Worldly pleasures and amusements should be restricted.
"Men do not listen to My Voice, they harden their hearts, they resist My grace, they do not wish to have anything to do with My Mercy, My Love, My merits; mankind is worse than before the deluge. Mankind is suffocating in sin. Hatred and greed rule their hearts. This is the work of the Devil. They live in great darkness . . .
"Through the wounds that bleed now, mercy will again gain victory over justice. My faithful souls should not be asleep now like the disciples on Mt. Olivet. They should pray without ceasing and gain all they can for themselves and for others.
"Tremendous things are in preparation; it will be terrible as never before since the foundation of the world. All those who in these grave times have suffered so much are martyrs and form the seed for the renovation of the Church. They are privileged to participate in My captivity, in My scourging, in My crown of thorns and My way of the Cross!
"The Blessed Virgin Mary and all the choirs of Angels will be active during these events. Hell believes that it is sure of the harvest, but I will snatch it away from them. Many curse Me now, but these sufferings will come over mankind that they may be saved . . .
"I will come with My peace. With a few faithful, I will build up My Kingdom. As a flash of lightning this Kingdom will come . . . much faster than mankind will realize. I will give them a special light. For some this light will be a blessing; for others darkness. The light will come like the Star that showed the way to the wise men. Mankind will experience My love and My power. I will show them My justice and My mercy. My dearly beloved children, the hour comes closer and closer. Pray without ceasing!"
The events at Heede were accompanied by healings afterwards and one of the seers received stigmata.
Clearly these messages were meant to be a warning that the message of Fatima had gone unheeded (no pun intended).
As time goes on, it seems more and more likely that a chastisement is coming. An interesting view on this in relation to the Third Secret of Fatima is here: